Wednesday, December 30, 2015

And in the beginning, there was a Pin Up....

            After years of watching Golden Age movies, I still couldn’t define what a pin up girl was on my own. But as of today, that was about to change.
            According to Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, a pin up girl is defined as “a woman whose glamorous qualities make her a suitable subject of a photograph for pinning up on an admirer’s wall” (894). The phrase pin up girl was coined in 1941 and in 2015 isn’t an everyday term.
            Because a pin up girl can be anyone! We are all glamorous in our own way; we all have unique qualities that people admire. Right now we admire ourselves and take our own pictures.  Some pin ups are single, have full time jobs and families.
            Pop culture has changed and pin ups have changed too. I’ve always believed that as women we should love ourselves exactly as we are and find a way, everyday, to highlight our unique features. Still, there are questions that remain unanswered.

            What traditions should pin ups embrace from The Golden Age? What traditions should Modern Day Pin Ups leave behind? That’s what we’re here to discover. And these are the Confessions of a Modern Day Pin Up.