Friday, January 29, 2016

A Modern Day Pinup's Dilemma

            As I flipped through the February issue of Allure an article immediately caught my eye. Makeup artist Jillian Dempsey wrote a feature called 3 Boring Makeup Ruts--- and How to Get Out of Them. It was truly ironic that I was reading this; I’m currently swearing off matte lipstick because my lips are so over that trend. So the light bulb went on in my head:
            Can pinups get caught in a makeup rut?
            A big part of a pinup is her makeup. The standards of a pinup’s makeup are winged black liner, dramatic, filled in brows and red lipstick. So can a pinup change her makeup look and still be considered a pinup?
            I decided to test this theory out, engage in some fun and save time on my makeup routine. Since there are so many different liners out there, I created cat eyes with very vivid colors. I experimented with brown liquid liner too. I lightly filled in my brows (if at all) and chose creamy lipsticks and glosses. I also put the lip liner back in my makeup bag. And I used only powder foundation instead of liquid and powder foundation.
            So I learned how to get myself out a makeup rut and still be a pinup. I learned that less is more; people complemented me on the vivid color eyeliner more than anyone did when I used only black.

            It’s true that you get noticed when you go against the grain. I could always be a Classic Pinup at photo shoots and be a Modern Day Pinup in my spare time. It’s perfectly normal to misbehave. After all the pinup/burlesque dancer Dita Von Teese said, ‘“People who follow all the rules and chase every trend tend to get forgotten- they look great, but they’re not as memorable.”’

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