Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Modern Day Pinup and The Modern Day Gentleman

      Hello everyone and welcome back. One question that people love to ask me (or any single person these days) is, "Are you seeing anyone?" I dread that question like the sound of my alarm clock. And I really don't know what to say.

    Since I'm a Modern Day Pinup I love a good throwback. And since I was so eager to watch A Streetcar Named Desire last night like I'd never seen it before this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Still, I don't know if gentlemen exist these days or where they are for that matter.

    When I think of a gentleman I immediately think of Sidney Poitier or William Holden. A man that's intelligent, kind, gracious, handsome, complicated yet down to earth. Unfortunately I've met men that are a combination of Poitier and Jughead. So... is the problem me? How would a Modern Day Pinup find a man that's a Modern Day Gentleman?

     I used to think my expectations were way too high. I felt like I was looking for a man that was a character, a myth. I know gentlemen are few and far between; especially when the Internet allows anyone to create a persona that's a complete lie. And communicating is even different. With texting you can talk without having to talk, although texting can lead to miscommunication and misinterpretation.

     I still don't believe that chivalry is dead, it has to be taught. It has be researched and men have to lead young men by example. Each pinup has to be taught to pose, which way to hold her head, which poses work best for her shape. I couldn't be a pinup overnight and a man can't become a gentleman overnight either.

      And Holden's characters are never perfect; he played flawed, self absorbed men at times. But that's what life is. We're all flawed, self centered, intelligent, complex creatures. Holden's so fun to look at you don't care what his characters are doing. And everyday I feel exactly like Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina. Loving my life exactly as it is and never turning my back on love or on pinup



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