Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Thrill of It All

          The best part of this year has been embracing who I am, pinup and mere mortal. After all one misstep after another is still learning. But one of the best parts of this year has been a well-kept secret.
            I got published!!!!
            I was so excited to find out that I was going to be in print as a pinup. I couldn’t even believe it. But the surprising fact was that I didn’t feel any different.
            It wasn’t the same feeling as the Dr. Hook song On the Cover of the Rolling Stone; I certainly didn’t do a whole lot pills that give you all kinds thrills (unless Hair, Skin and Nails Vitamins count). I resumed my boring, working, Modern Day Pinup life within seconds.
            What I’m trying to say is that being published wasn’t going to make me. I already knew who I was and I’m very excited about what the future holds. I’ve realized that being a Modern Day Pinup is a big part of who I am but not all of me. There’s still a woman inside who likes to sit at home, makeup less, dancing to The Stones (in a snood of course).
            I do want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to Mark Greenmantle and the staff of RetroBomb Magazine. Greenmantle is an amazing photographer with a wonderful eye. The magazine is beautifully laid out with pictures of vintage cars, articles, pinups and a lot more! Make sure to pick up your copy of RetroBomb at

            Until next time dear readers…..

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